Frequency: Are you in control or in crisis?

Janice Hsu
3 min readMar 28, 2024


In the competition, players often fall into tension and anxiety. At this time, it is often heard that someone will give the suggestion that “it is too little, and more games will get used to it”, thinking that this is the tension caused by “insufficient game experience”, only by participating in more games, players will naturally be able to better adapt to the rhythm of the game, accumulate more game experience, so as to reduce tension and anxiety.

Indeed, “experience” is an indisputable competitive advantage for players, especially those with a lot of experience. These experiences include calmness in the face of the big situation, familiarity with the rules and procedures of the game, and the ability to deal with various technical and tactical issues, which are the sword of the game to help them perform at their best on the field.

When players realize the importance of experience to performance, “increasing the number of games” becomes an indispensable and necessary channel to improve experience. Especially in the primary stage, many parents with their children everywhere crazy competition, in order to quickly accumulate experience, in order to accelerate the promotion of competitiveness.

However, although the number of competitions can accelerate the accumulation of experience, excessive frequent competitions may cause adverse effects on players, as explained in the following two points.

First, physical and mental exhaustion: long-term training and competition will make players physically and mentally exhausted, lack of adequate rest and recovery time, and then affect the quality of training and competition performance. In the long run, it will only be more tired and harder to practice, but it is ineffective. Remember, excellent physical and mental condition is an important pillar to improve ability, only on this basis, training can be more effective in the competition.

Second, the improvement effect is not sufficient: when the players are busy in the competition process, they may not be able to fully review their problems and improve them, which will make the problems persist and hinder the progress of the players. In the long run, this can damage a player’s confidence and put him in trouble. Remember, the time and energy spent in the review process is not wasted, but to lay a solid foundation for future progress and growth, the time spent in the review will become valuable.

Of course, some players may be subject to the points requirements of the qualification and must actively participate in the competition before the competition in order to obtain the necessary points in order to meet the eligibility requirements and then participate in events such as the Olympic Games. However, for the average player, it is very important to have a good schedule, adequate rest and moderate relaxation during training. This means going all out and finishing well during training time, getting enough sleep at home, and relaxing properly during holidays to ensure good training quality. Therefore, moderate participation not only helps to accumulate experience and reduce anxiety, but also needs to pay attention to adjust the physical and mental state and work hard to solve the problem, so that we can maximize the effect of participation, and play a vital role in improving team strength.

#sport psychology

